Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Great Fall: Welcome Home

My "childhood" buds
The year was 1994.  I was a 14 year old freshman newly transplanted to Austin from California.  I hardly knew a soul in Austin and Great Fall Retreat was the very first thing on my list of experiences with the new church my parents already called "home".  It was at that retreat many moons ago, that I met some of my soon to be lifelong friends.  Fast forward 18 years to 2012... Now I'm a mommy of a toddler, no longer a camper, and serving at the same camp alongside those same friends. 

Bailey and Daddy in the morning

Great Fall has been, as long as I've gone, at the HEB Encampment in Leakey, Texas.  It is like a second home to me and actually my parents, too.  My father accepted Christ at this camp and he met my mother there, as well.  It definitely holds a very special place in my heart and I was so excited to get to share that with Scott and Bailey this year. 
 Normally at Great Fall I serve on the rec team (now I'm too old for that) or the kitchen crew.  However, this year our youth minister asked Scott and me to help lead one of the bible studies.  So Scott and I led the 9th and 10th graders in the Saturday morning study. These teenagers were so eloquent and knowledgeable of the bible.  I called them the "AP" group! They seemed way more mature than what I remember being at 9th or 10th grade.  We were studying Psalm 139 where David writes about how God knows everything about us and knows everything that we do.  Scary to think that He is there to see all the good and the bad, but it's a relief to know that He's there all the time, especially when you need Him most.
Playing in the sand at the volleyball court

 During our bible study we got onto the subject about making your life an act of worship.  One of their concerns was how busy their lives were and how hard it is to fit in time with God.  And, boy after hearing all of the activities they are involved in, in addition to school, they are definitely busier than I am! We talked about how everything you do on a daily basis can be an act of worship.  I recounted many times that I missed opportunities to make my choices for God instead of myself.  Falling short is something I do on a daily basis, but God is just to forgive and mighty to save.
I think the moment God spoke to me the most this weekend was listening to the band Dutton play the song Welcome Home.  I immediately thought of my grandparents and how when they died, God welcomed them running with open arms and said, "Welcome home my child."  It's a beautiful song and I know that someday I will be able to hear those same words.  Until then I pray that my life can be full of daily worship of Him. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Depression: I Can See Clearly Now

You know that Johnny Nash song, I Can See Clearly Now?  That's the song that keeps popping in my head these past few weeks.  If you need a refresher, it starts like this:

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

A year ago I would have laughed at that song, but not a "boy that is so funny" laugh, but a "yeah right" laugh.  A year ago I couldn't see clearly at all.  I felt like I was drowning in a downpour of rain.  And those dark clouds did have me blind and along with that was a fog in my head so murky that I couldn't function properly. If you aren't familiar with my journey through depression you can check out my first post about it here.

This time last year, my heart would race and I'd have shortness of breath over any little thing that would stress me out.  And believe me, any and all little things did stress me out.  A meeting going too long, not getting an e-mail sent out when I needed to, and not getting to a certain place on time with my students were all trivial things that would bring on anxiety attacks.  It's funny because we've been in school now for just 3 weeks, but I've only had that "oh my gosh, I'm incredibly overwhelmed and stressed out" feeling once.  When we had Back to School Night, which would normally make me incredibly restless, I was eerily calm and excited to speak in front of my students' parents. 

A year ago, Scott's job would have sent me into a tailspin.  He's had a huge sale at work that has lasted since July, which has meant longer hours and working every Sunday.  I was worried that it would alter my mood once school started because we'd have less family time together, but I haven't let it ruffle my feathers.  I've been (for the most part) very patient and supportive.  Last year if this sale had gone on, I would have been in a pool of tears every day, instead of grateful for how successful he has been and how much God has blessed him at his job.

I'm so very thankful to my doctor for diagnosing me with hypothyroidism and depression, so that I could get the help that I was so desperately needing.  After having been on this medication now for 9 months I have seen the very indisputable changes it has had on my family, my job, and my physical and emotional health.  And there's my husband who has always been my rock.  I'm not quite sure how he put up with me during that dark time in my life last year, but I know that it was just as hard on him as it was for me.  He was the one that kept nudging me to go to the doctor and get help.  He's so smart, if only I would listen to him!  God, as always, knew exactly what He was doing when He sent Scott my way those (almost) 10 years ago.

The dark clouds are gone and it already IS a bright, sun-shiny day.  Unlike the song says, though, I cannot see all obstacles in my way.  In fact, the obstacles that I have experienced, especially with the deaths of my grandparents this summer, have given me a greater appreciation for how big God is and how perfect His timing will always be.  Just as it says in Jeremiah 29:11, I know that God has an incredible plan for my life, plans to prosper me and not to harm me.  And no obstacle is too great that He cannot give me the strength to overcome!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sprinkler Ball

 It's a general rule in the Roberson household to entertain ourselves cheaply, which is why we don't have cable and at times I will watch a TV show on my laptop.  So after hearing about this water toy that produced hours of entertain and was on sale for $2 at CVS, of course, Scott had to run to the nearest store and get one.  Unfortunately, they were sold out, so he settled for $8 at another store.  Boy was that $8 worth it, though!
Bailey wondering how the ball does such magical things
. It's a really large beach ball that shoots water out of four holes with the help of your water hose attached to the bottom.  It's called Discovery Kids Sprinkler Ball. We decided to combine this superb toy with our trampoline, since we pretty much live on our trampoline.   It has become a daily ritual for Bailey and Scott!  The minute Daddy gets home Bailey is pleading with him to change, so she can jump in the water. 

Scott trying his best to soap up Bailey
The best part is, Scott gives her a "bath" every time they jump on it.  He now has baby shampoo outside, so that he can suds her up.  That is if he can catch her.  As you can see from the picture above, she likes to run away from him while he tries to bathe her.

It was a blast the first few days we got it because it was so ridiculously hot here, but the other day with the "Texas cold front", Bailey was shivering after her water jump.  I'm hopeful that she won't want to jump in the water in January.  Surely not, right?