Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sprinkler Ball

 It's a general rule in the Roberson household to entertain ourselves cheaply, which is why we don't have cable and at times I will watch a TV show on my laptop.  So after hearing about this water toy that produced hours of entertain and was on sale for $2 at CVS, of course, Scott had to run to the nearest store and get one.  Unfortunately, they were sold out, so he settled for $8 at another store.  Boy was that $8 worth it, though!
Bailey wondering how the ball does such magical things
. It's a really large beach ball that shoots water out of four holes with the help of your water hose attached to the bottom.  It's called Discovery Kids Sprinkler Ball. We decided to combine this superb toy with our trampoline, since we pretty much live on our trampoline.   It has become a daily ritual for Bailey and Scott!  The minute Daddy gets home Bailey is pleading with him to change, so she can jump in the water. 

Scott trying his best to soap up Bailey
The best part is, Scott gives her a "bath" every time they jump on it.  He now has baby shampoo outside, so that he can suds her up.  That is if he can catch her.  As you can see from the picture above, she likes to run away from him while he tries to bathe her.

It was a blast the first few days we got it because it was so ridiculously hot here, but the other day with the "Texas cold front", Bailey was shivering after her water jump.  I'm hopeful that she won't want to jump in the water in January.  Surely not, right?

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